Strengthening Our Future!
TOKATA is The DAKOTA word meaning future.
Now is the time to find healing, and build a new FUTURE hope renewed.
A Bold Vision - Opportunity for Growth
The Tokata Youth Center is meeting critical needs, particularly for youth grades K-12. The programming continues to be focused on Godly principles; Dakota Oyate values; Dakota language, culture, and art; Educational tutoring; Life skills mentoring; Proper nutrition; Physical fitness; Gardening and Food Sovereignty; and Environmental stewardship. It is a place specifically designed for youth and their families to be empowered and equipped for the future.
There are now over 460 youth grades K-12th enrolled at the TYC.
Average daily attendance is 75.

The Tokata Youth Center is empowering the Hunkpati Oyate,
by teaching and mentoring youth and families so they can
develop resiliency to not just survive, but thrive!